Massage therapy is effective in the treatment of many conditions, the most commonly treated include:
- Back and neck pain
- Headaches
- Muscle pain & spasm
- Sports Injuries
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Tendonitis (tennis & golfer's elbow, Achilles)
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Depression and anxiety
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Sciatic Pain
- Wry neck
- Post MVA muscle pain, whiplash
- Pre & postnatal back & neck pain
- Chronic conditions from injuries
- Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome
Pre-Massage Consultation
We take a custom tailored approach to massage therapy that addresses your own condition and needs. Each treatment begins with a review of your questionnaire and a general assessment to determine areas of restriction and tightness. Please mention any special conditions so your therapist can maximize the effectiveness of your treatment.
For extra time devoted to particularly problematic conditions, we highly recommend a 90-minute massage session.
Deep Tissue Massage (Scylla, Nicole, Darya, Shiny Rose, Candace, Vinod)
A therapeutic treatment used with prolonged extensive holds, including myofascial release and trigger point release to stimulate blood flow to restricted areas and relieved knotted muscles that are unable to fully release on their own. The focus is towards opening the superficial and deep connective tissue that encompasses all of your muscle fibers and cells. Recipients can actively participate through deep breathing guided by your therapist as well as identifying areas of discomfort. Please note, some soreness might result after treatment.
Swedish Massage (Scylla, Nicole, Darya, Shiny Rose, Candace, Vinod)
This European technique uses long, fluid strokes to calm the body, settle the mind and restore lost energy. It is gentle, soothing and emphasizes relaxation. Designed to melt away stress and ease muscle fatique. Swedish massage helps promote healing while targeting pain, injuries, stress and stiffness using gliding, kneading, tapping, friction and light shaking—designed to ease back pain and help relaxation.
Hot Stone Massage (Scylla, Darya, Shiny)
A therapeutic treatment utilizing the application of hot basalt river stones of varying sizes to key points on the body to create improved circulatory flow. This allows for a more intense manipulation of the tissues than with traditional massage. We allow each therapist to be creative in the individual styles of this type of massage.
Prenatal Massage (Scylla, Nicole, Darya, Shiny)
Prenatal massage promotes relaxation, soothes the nerves and relieves strained back and leg muscles in expectant mothers. Carrying a baby inside you changes your center of gravity and puts a lot of stress on your back, neck, abdominal muscles, and shoulders. Pregnancy also relaxes your ligaments, so that your pelvic joints are less stable, and changes your posture, pulling your pelvis forward. Add to that the extra weight you're carrying and you may find you've got an aching lower back. A prenatal massage helps alleviate those aches and pains. Pregnancy massage is especially beneficial in the second and third trimesters.
Cupping Treatment (Darya, Shiny, Candace, Vinod)
Cupping has been used to treat various ailments ranging from musculoskeletal, dermal, and digestive to psychological conditions like stress, depression, and anxiety. Cupping can be used in conjunction with other forms of healing to enhance their
results. Cupping targets deep tissues by creating suction and lifting the skin over the muscles. As the area receives a fresh infusion of blood, it is flooded with nutrients and oxygen that work to heal the damage and injuries.
Massage cupping gives you the same effects of a deep tissue massage but by way of reverse pressure. It can be used to treat ailments like stiff muscles, stress, migraines, fatigue and exhaustion, and back and neck pain. Muscles that have been injured, undergone trauma or exertion accumulate lactic acid and other toxins. Massage cupping can be used to drain these toxins so the muscles can heal. In addition, the blood carries away the accumulation of toxins, dead cells, and other debris that may be hampering healing and causing pain. As a result of better blood circulation, the tensed muscles and stiff tissues relax. Not
only is the discomfort alleviated but the patients also sense relaxation that helps lower stress levels and anxiety.
Reiki (Darya, Candace)
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through you and around you. It works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. As Reiki flows through a sick or unhealthy area, it breaks up and washes away any negative thoughts or feelings lodged in the unconscious mind/body thus allowing a normal healthy flow of Ki (energy) to resume. As this happens, the unhealthy physical organs and tissues become properly nourished. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirits creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feeling of peace, security and wellbeing.
Ear Reflexology (Lise)
Ear Reflexology is the stimulation of the auricle of the external ear for health conditions in other parts of the body. It is an effective method of non invasive treatment. In the 1960's, Dr. Paul Nogier from Lyon France, perfected an innovative technique mapping out the ear as an inverted fetus. Unlike Chinese acupuncture, he made it possible to locate a specific point on the ear with the help of the pulse reaction on the wrist. Stimulating that 'ear point' allow the natural flow of energy to follow its path and alleviate the pain in the micro-body. Ear Reflexology treatment can help remove pain, treat allergies, bring relief to toxic scars (from Caesarian sections or other kinds of surgeries), deal with disorders (emotional, mental and physical), and most health problems originating in malfunction or after accidents.
Graston Technique (Scylla)
Graston Technique (GT) effectively treats all soft tissue conditions whether they are chronic, acute, or post -surgical. The unique technique and instruments enable physical and occupational therapists, chiropractors, athletic trainers and massage therapists to address scar tissue and fascial restrictions during rehabilitation and to administer effective range of motion maintenance programs.
The non-invasive technique uses specifically designed stainless steel instruments to help the clinician identify and treat areas soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. As the instruments are moved over the affected area and come in contact with the adhesions, they help break up scar tissue and fascial restrictions. In time, this process will reduce or eliminate the adhered fibres, restoring range of motion and eliminating the associated pain. It will help transform your soft tissue injury into healthy functioning tissue.
GT is accepted nationwide by elite athletes and everyday patients as one of the most effective treatments for rehabilitation and range of motion maintenance, especially when combined with other treatment modalities such as massage and exercise. Patients usually receive two treatments per week during a four- to- five week period. Most patients have a positive response by the third or fourth treatment.
GT is clinically proven to achieve faster and better patient outcomes in treating the following:
Achilles Tendinosis/Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Tennis Elbow, Lumbar strain/sprain, Golfer’s Elbow, Patella femoral Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Rotator Cuff Tendinosis/Tendinitis, Scar Tissue, Trigger Finger, Women’s Health (Post Mastectomy and Caesarean Scarring
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Massage (TMJ) (Scylla, Nicole)
TMJ Dysfunction is a disorder of the muscles of mastication due to stress, bruxism (grinding), jaw clenching, trauma to head, neck or jaw. Signs and Symptoms may include chronic tension headaches, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, ear aches or ear stuffiness, clicking or popping with jaw movement, spasms in facial muscles, inability to open jaw fully or pain and stiffness upon doing so, and sensitive teeth. Massage is one of the most effective and noninvasive techniques that can help address the cause of TMJ disorders. Whether the pain comes from a jaw injury, arthritis, or simply the fatigue from repeatedly grinding or clenching your teeth, regular massage therapy can make a significant difference. After a thorough assessment, massage therapy can help to realign problem areas, relieve the muscle tension and relax the muscles by working trigger point areas around the head, jaw, face, neck, shoulders and back.
Shiatsu Massage (Shiny Rose)
Shiatsu mean “finger pressure” in Japanese. For Shiatsu massage, the therapist uses varied, rhythmic pressure on certain precise points of the body. These points are called acupressure points, and they are believed to be important for the flow of the body’s vital energy, called chi. Shiatsu is a non-invasive therapy that may help reduce stress and contribute to overall wellbeing. Shiatsu can be used in the treatment of a wide range of internal, musculoskeletal, and emotional conditions. It is thought to reduce muscle stiffness, stimulate the skin, aid digestion, and influence the nervous system. Shiatsu is used to treat a wide range of chronic conditions such as headaches, PMS, digestive disorders, fatigue, insomnia, fibromyalgia, stress, anxiety and musculoskeletal pain including low back, neck and joint pain.
Please print the Patient History form, fill it out and bring it with you on your first visit. This will save you time and allow you to relax before your treatment.